JDBC connection steps in java

What you will learn here about JDBC  connection in java:

  • JDBC connection steps in java
  • Implementation of JDBC connection steps in java
  • JDBC connection code in java

JDBC is an API(Application program interface) that allows Java application to communicate with the database which is shown below.
JDBC connection steps in java

JDBC connection steps in java:

jdbc connection steps

Implementation of JDBC connection steps in java:

Please follow the following steps to know how to connect with the database using following JDBC connection steps
1)In the first step, we need to load and register the driver class which is shown below. Driver class path is different for different databases. So please use Driver class with respect to your database. Below Driver class path is given for the MYSQL database.
load and register JDBC driver
2)Now we need to do connect with database. So please use hostname, port number, database name, username and password with respect to your database.
JDBC create connection with mysql database
3)Now we need to create a statement or platform for executing the SQL queries or database operations which is shown below.
jdbc create platform
4)Now we need to execute the SQL query or statement which is shown below.
execute query jdbc
5)This step is optional – Now process the resultant data which is shown below
process received data from database jdbc
6)Now close the costly resources which is shown below.
close costly resources jdbc

JDBC connection code in java

Please follow the following steps to know how to use the following java JDBC connection code.

1)First, download the code and unzip the downloaded code
JDBC database connection (495 downloads)

2)Open unzip downloaded code in Eclipse IDE

3)Please modify the Driver class path with respect to your database. This code has the default driver class path for the MYSQL database. Modify step 1.

3)Please modify the hostname, port number, database name, username, and password with respect to your database. Modify step 2.

4)You also need to add a jar in the lib folder. By default jar for MYSQL database is added in the lib folder. This jar is nothing but the JDBC driver. JDBC driver must be specific to a particular database.

5)In my case, I have created a table whose name is user and this has two columns. So please create a user table in your database if you and using this code.

The above downloaded code is for connecting with MYSQL database using java application which is shown below.
JDBC connection code in java

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