daily used vocabulary with sentences

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Daily used vocabulary

where do you live? : where do you live

where are you from? : where are you from

where has he gone? : where has he gone

where do you work? : where do you work

where do you do your lunch? : where do you do your lunch

where to go? : where to go

where to meet? : where to meet

where to start? : where to start

where to go for lunch? : where to go for lunch

where to celebrate the birthday? : where to celebrate the birthday

where to go for honeymoon? : where to go for honeymoon

where is he? : where is he

where will you stay? : where will you stay

where will you eat? : where will you eat

where will we go for honeymoon? : where will we go for honeymoon

where did you go? : where did you go

where did you meet him? : where did you meet him

where did you go for honeymoon? : where did you go for honeymoon