Daily English speaking sentences

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Daily english speaking sentences

sometimes I don’t understand :sometimes I don’t understand

why people are depending on others :why people are depending on others

people expect others to start things first :people expect others to start things first

I don’t understand why people blame others for their own failure :I don’t understand why people blame others for their own failure

people believe in destiny but not believe in their own :people believe in destiny but not believe in their own

people should believe in their own, not believe in destiny :people should believe in their own, not believe in destiny

we should always help others :we should always help others

we should always understand each other :we should always understand each other

these days we do not believe in other people :these days we do not believe in other people

day by day people are becoming selfish :day by day people are becoming selfish

people expect something without doing nothing :people expect something without doing nothing

you should do something to get something :you should do something to get something

you will not get anything without doing anything :you will not get anything without doing anything

so please do something to get something :so please do something to get something

your action is your destiny :your action is your destiny